• Question: Do you what rocks are made from?

    Asked by anon-191594 to Adam, Agnes, Anne, Chris, Graeme, Kathryn on 9 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Anne Green

      Anne Green answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      I’m not an expert on geology. Kathryn and Graeme are better qualified to answer this question than me.

    • Photo: Kathryn

      Kathryn answered on 10 Nov 2018: last edited 10 Nov 2018 1:48 pm

      Rocks are initially formed from magma solidifying either form lava such as basalt or underground such as granite. Over time these rocks are weathered into sand and mud which are then deposited and form sedimentary rocks like sandstone and limestone. Sometimes they are subject to high pressure and temperature and then changes to formed metamorphic rocks like Schist and Gneiss.

      The Rock cycle.

      Fundamentally Rocks are composed of minerals.

    • Photo: Agnes Wojtusiak

      Agnes Wojtusiak answered on 10 Nov 2018:

      And then those minerals, like everything else, are all made of atoms, which are made of neutrons and protons and electrons and neutrons and protons are made from even smaller things called quarks – so exactly the same as most of the stuff you see around you! 😀
      But Kathryn’s answer is more specific to rocks I guess ^_^

    • Photo: Graeme Poole

      Graeme Poole answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      Rocks are made from minerals. The most common mineral type in rocks is silicate. Some rocks have very rare minerals in them, like diamond, and are very expensive.

      There are 3 rock types – igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are made from molten magma, sedimentary are made from erosion and sticking together of grains, and metamorphic rocks are a bit of both (sedimentary rocks that have then been melted). All of these rocks are still made of minerals.

    • Photo: Adam McGuinness

      Adam McGuinness answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      Awesome answers!
