• Question: Do you believe aliens exist?

    Asked by anon-191719 to Kathryn, Graeme, Chris, Anne, Agnes, Adam on 8 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by anon-191692, anon-191688.
    • Photo: Kathryn

      Kathryn answered on 8 Nov 2018:

      I believe that statistically there must be life on other planets. I dont think we will ever meet them but I would be pleased to be wrong.

      As Arther C Clarke says. “Either we are alone in the universe of we are not. Both are equally terrifying”

    • Photo: Anne Green

      Anne Green answered on 8 Nov 2018:

      I’m not an expert on astrobiology (the study of the origins, evolution and future of life in the universe). However my guess is that it’s likely that there’s life somewhere else in the Univese. In the past 20 years astronomers have found thousands of planets outside the Solar system. However the conditions on most of those planets are too extreme for life. So it’s possible that the nearest aliens are too far away for us to find or communicate with them.

    • Photo: Agnes Wojtusiak

      Agnes Wojtusiak answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      Yes, but they’re probably not here on Earth!

    • Photo: Graeme Poole

      Graeme Poole answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      We have no evidence of there being any other living creatures in space.
      However, the universe is huge and there are trillions of planets and stars out there, and many will be like the Earth. So I think there probably is life out there, we just haven’t seen it yet because it’s so far away.
