• Question: Why are you interested in meteorites so much?

    Asked by anon-191589 to Graeme, Kathryn on 10 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Kathryn

      Kathryn answered on 10 Nov 2018:

      Rock form another planet o asteroid! what is not to be interested in.
      What they offer is a glimpse into the history of the solar system and the history of Earth. Earth is dynamic and constantly renewing the rock through the plate tectonics meaning that the original composition is lost. Meteorite provides a glimpse into the past and they are so varied.

      Thanks for your question.

    • Photo: Graeme Poole

      Graeme Poole answered on 12 Nov 2018:

      I study meteorites that have landed on Earth as these are the only way we can get our hands on samples of other asteroids and planets. By comparing all the different planets and asteroids and finding out what they are made of, I try and work out how the solar system and all the planets formed billions of years ago. I love space and trying to discover new things out there.
