• Question: Is it possible to teleport when its Year 2050?

    Asked by anon-191688 to Kathryn, Graeme, Chris, Anne, Agnes, Adam on 13 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Anne Green

      Anne Green answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      As far as we know time travel isn’t possible. It would be fun, but could cause problems (for instance going into the future to try and change the past).

    • Photo: Graeme Poole

      Graeme Poole answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      So far, the only teleporting that would be possible is single particles. So if you did teleport, you’d have to be torn apart atom by atom, which means you’d be dead and so that’s kinda pointless.

    • Photo: Kathryn

      Kathryn answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      That is 30 years away. I dont think it cna be achieved in that time.

    • Photo: Agnes Wojtusiak

      Agnes Wojtusiak answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      I sure wish it would be! Imagine that – no more being stuck in traffic! 😀

    • Photo: Adam McGuinness

      Adam McGuinness answered on 14 Nov 2018:

      That seems too soon for such a big thing! But who knows, scientists make amazing breakthroughs every day!
